Sunday, April 14, 2013

Pictures from Miami Beach Gay Pride

My god this looks good. Pride is a ways away here in Toronto -- at least someone is having fun.

From The Miami Herald: Miami Beach Gay Pride parade | Sunday, April 14, 2013.
When we think of the experiences of gays and lesbians abroad, us in the West often generealize pretty wildly. This article gives personal examples of homophobia experienced in China.

Equal-sign logo isn't enough to achieve gay marriage

I think anyone interested in civil rights today should read this column by Henry G. Brinton. There are many more critiques to make of the equal sign logo, and of the fight for marriage and other conservative institutions in general, but the point here is clear: the passive deployment of symbols usually fails to create a lasting change.

From USA Today: Gay marriage needs more than equal-sign logo: Column.

Ireland May Legalize Gay Marriage

I'm amazed to see something like this happening in in Ireland -- so much more Catholic, yet so many years ahead of, say, the United States. Let's hope it all goes through.